Conférence 28 octobre 2024 à 10h00

Lisbon Addictions 2024 - European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies

La Lisbon Addictions est une conférence multidisciplinaire qui vise vise à éclairer l'élaboration de politiques et la pratique grâce à une meilleure compréhension des problèmes contemporains liés à la science de la toxicomanie et aux comportements addictifs.

Visuel Lisbon Addictions

Avec les interventions de :

  • Agnès Cadet-Taïrou : " Finding your way in the complex area of behavioural addictions. An analytic framework to contextualize the literature "
  • Carine Mutatayi : " Comparing teenagers' perceived exposure to Digital Alcohol Marketing and its impact in 6 European regulation frameworks "
  • Eric Janssen : " Heavy episodic drinking among French adolescents between 2005 and 2022: a gender perspective "
  • Maitena Milhet et Caroline Protais : " Alcohol use disorders: patients’ and professionals’ perspectives "
  • Ivana Obradovic : " Same Intentions, Different Outcomes: Divergent Paths and Implementation Gaps in Cannabis Legalization in North America "
  • Joana Sisternas Tusell : " Smokers’ careers and mental health: overlapping perspectives on cannabis and tobacco use"
  • Melchior Simioni et Caroline Protais : " Drug use in French prisons. Results of the ESSPRI survey "
  • Sabrina Cherki : " How to respond to real-time drug alerts in European countries? "